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Bryan Fox

Bryan Fox was reared in the eastern most reaches of San Diego County, in a dusty little place called Ramona. Ramona is far from any sort of breeding ground for great snowboarders, more like dirt bikers and chicken farmers. But Bryan’s never settled for anyone else’s expectations; he prefers to take his own line. The day after he graduated from high school, the California native hightailed it to Oregon, where he lived in his car and snowboarded every day. Fox broke onto the scene in Neoproto's Some Kinda Life with a stellar part, and followed things up with impactful segments with People, Videograss, Snowboarder Magazine, Nitro Snowboards, and more. In 2011, Fox founded Drink Water with friend and fellow rider, Austin Smith, a movement-in-a-brand that, through celebrated events like the Drink Water Rat Race and Drink Water Double Tap, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to supply clean drinking water to people in need all over the world. They’ve made movies, too—Pathology, Mediocre Madness, and Energy—videos that approach snowboarding humbly, looking at the people that love to do it and why they keep making turns, running in tandem with the purity with which Fox approaches his craft. Bryan’s riding has long been archetypal, a pristine example of what power and fluidity look like when they come together seamlessly. In 2017, Bryan joined Quik teammates Travis Rice and Austen Sweetin in Depth Perception, further showcasing his unflinching aesthetic when making turns. In 2019, he jumped in his dad’s 1975 GMC Vandura to film Life in General, going from Baja to Baker doing what he does best. Aside from strapping into his snowboard, pushing his skateboard, and paddling out on his surfboard, Bryan loves America, heavy metal, and the full spectrum of the color black.